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I will be adding information and links here for frequently asked questions (FAQ's) soon!


1) how can I find a reputable agent?

contact ACTRA Alberta online. here you will find a list of reputable local lead and background agents



2) if i do not have an agent now, how can i find out about auditions and casting calls?

casting directors often post open-calls or "real people" calls online. we suggest looking into Casting Workbook or Breakdown Express (we will post links to both of these sites soon, you can find them via google) we often post casting calls on twitter @CastingCalgary & Facebook: Cassin Stanton Casting


3) how do i or my child get into this business?

experience! take improv classes, public speaking, drama courses. you need to work at your craft!


4) what is a "slate"?

a slate is your name and face on camera at the beginning of the audition. You will need to do this each time you come in for an audition. Please note where the camera is and where your "mark" is on the floor.



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